Cerphi Lis

chronomancer ✦ cartographer ✦ chirurgeon

"The slave is doomed to worship time and fate and death, because they are greater than anything he finds in himself, and because all his thoughts are of things which they devour."


Beneath the gentle smile and the half-whispered words is a young woman of terrible luck. Suffering through one horrific event after another, despite her do-good nature and selflessness, Cerphi is a fine example of how cruel karmic forces can be to the virtuous.


A bleeding heart, a textbook introvert, and neurotic to a fault.Upon meeting strangers, the mage is quiet, skittish and all kinds of awkward while she gauges their company. Though she can be hilariously naïve, she is far from a fool. Eyes and horns of the distant observer are ever-watchful for how one treats her and even though she is blessed with saint-like patience and empathy, a woman still has her limits. For one who prioritizes diplomatic solutions, it comes to no surprise that she checks her wording three times before she speaks-- and it shows.Around close companions, few as they are, warmth is generously offered along with a dash of jaded snark and an endless desire to see them thrive. For them, she promises protection, her aid and a scolding when necessary. Picking up her friends' pieces is one matter but seeing them better their behaviours is the ultimate goal. Cerphi wants nothing more than to support others to best of her ability.Cerphi is diligent in her work, whether it be cartography, astromancy or mending. In professional settings, she is one to play well with others to strive towards a common goal - no matter how abrasive or foolish her other partners may be. Due to pride and passion alike, she is one to slave over tasks that fall within her realms of expertise and attempt to go up and beyond the standards set. Should tasks eclipse the cause that she swore herself to during her time in the Council, one would find her dutiful to the end.The stories of how she came to be in Eorzea are not openly shared with those she meets. In fact, little of her past is shared or alluded to but the hint of scars beneath her modest collar or atop her hand all point towards a time of strife or abuse. Deeming her 'guarded' is an understatement and to have her lower said guard would take no small amount of time and care. But it is with that glimpse into her history that one may glean the reason behind the immense amount of empathy and apprehension that she bears.


An Overseas Connection Now based in Old Sharlayan for the foreseeable future due to legal obligations, she has a plethora of new resources to delve into... and leak to old (and possibly new) friends in need. She works on-site at several prestigious part-time positions varying from Studium Gopher to Coffee Girl during the day and can be found desperately poring over tomes around Tranquility at night. She is always thrilled to find the odd Eorzean visiting the Isle and is eager to assist them... mostly to inquire about the state of the world beyond the sea.A Long Résumé From budding adventurer to oathbound practitioner to hopeful mentor and expert, the last six years have granted her with more worldly experience than she would like to admit. Cerphi has found herself in the company of (and allies to) the Council of the Dawn, the Eldritch Collective, the Ebonheart Company and the Beatup by way of lending her services. It is possible that one may recognise this particular wallflower of a mage from earlier times.Council of the Dawn Former Preceptor of their Mediciary sect. She is still sworn to the overall goals of the Council and will assist others whose needs fall into the realm of the study of forbidden magicks or the containment of dangerous creatures or artifacts - voidsent included. When it comes to the star's salvation, one can count on her to help save it.A Moonlighter's Respite Known by locals as 'Midnight Medicine' and was commonly confused for some back-alley brothel, this overnight clinic was born from her desire to tend to the injured brawlers of Pearl Lane. It was located near Ul'dah in a neighbourhood of ill-repute. The owner herself practiced discretion and accepted any patient so long as they left their weapons at the door. One used to be able to hobble in for free treatment but the clinic has been closed, emptied and sold. Old patients seeking her out may be able to discover her whereabouts.Astrologian's Guild Alumni During the Dragonsong War, she lived and studied in Ishgard for a few years under strict conditions to not reveal herself except to those that her mentor deemed appropriate. Her name would be noted on transcriptions of ruined Sharlayan astromancy tomes to assist budding and expert Ishgardian Astrologians. Those same logs and guides still exist in the guild's library. Additionally, Cerphi frequently set out to chart celestial bodies before the sun rose and may have been caught out in the wild by the odd nightowl or early bird. She made quarterly deliveries of her newest charts to the Astrologian's Guild to sell.


Magical Knowledge 
Ishgardian Astrology★★★★☆
Magical Prowess 
Aethersense (Focus)★★★☆☆
Aethersense (no Focus)★☆☆☆☆
Aether Manipulation★★★★☆
Ishgardian Astrology★★★★☆
Reparative Healing★★★★★


Pronunciation — SUR-FEE LEES
Race & Clan — Au'ra - Raen
Gender — Female
Age — 28
Alignment — Neutral Good
Citizenship — Eorzean
Residence — Old Sharlayan
Occupation — Celestial cartographer & chirurgeon
Voiceclaim Irina of Carim

Height — 5 fulms, 10 ilms
Eyes — Jade with verdant limbal rings, usually dim & hooded or wide with apprehension
Hair — Light, warm grey, short & neatly braided
Skin — Fair with dark circles around her eyes and rosiness over her cheeks
Scales — Pristine white overall, however a large patch is missing from her right hip down to her mid-thigh with no hope for regrowth
Scars — Sloppy sheet music has been engraved into her back which spans from the nape of her neck to her tailbone, and defensive scars on her lower arms
Build — Hourglass, low muscle mass, soft & plump
Bearing — Withdrawn, slightly hunched
Style — Modest, cute, fashionable and usually with stockings

Out of Character

Thank you for stopping by and reading Cerphi's carrd!
I operate within EST and prefer in-game RP. My availability can be sporadic but I'm willing to schedule RP to accommodate us both.
20+ interactions only.
Zero interest in interacting with fetish characters.
Do not bring OOC into IC. Do not blend IC and OOC.
Attempt to 'slip into my DMs' and you will perish. 🔪
The character's views are not the same as the writer's.
Excellent RP etiquette is key.
The writer reserves their right to walk away or avoid interactions with characters that blatantly break lore or writers that godmode, powergame, or metagame. The writer is very lore-conscious, the character is lore-abiding but often interacts with other lore-bending characters. Interactions with both lore-strict or lore-bending characters are welcome!Cerphi is a character best involved in heavy plot regarding the preservation of the star. Light and dark themes are perfectly fine. However, her past includes dark themes that may be extreme to a sensitive audience. While she will ICly censor details, prying may lead to exposition that may make some uncomfortable. Prod at your own risk.